Meeting dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Professor S.U. Nurgisaev


On May 26, 2021, at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, a meeting dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Professor Nurgisaev Serikbay Urikbayuly, holder of the Order of «Parasat», «Kurmet», commissioner for ethics and prevention of corruption risks was held.

The event was attended by the Chairman of the Board - Rector of the University Takir Ospanuly Balykbayev, Vice Rectors, directors of departments and institutes, and guests. During the meeting an exhibition of Professor S.U. Nurgisaev`s works was presented, including valuable illustrated books «Nauryzbai Batyr» in 3 volumes, «30 years of Public Service of Independent Country».

In his congratulatory speech, Rector Takir Ospanuly told about the professional activities of S.U. Nurgisaev and expressed confidence that the experience of the jubilee holder in responsible and high positions (Akim of Almaty, Akim of Kyzylorda region, Deputy of Majilis of Parliament, Head of Agency of RK on Anti-corruption in Almaty region) will help the University to achieve successes in Anti- corruption. Having wished good health and long life, the rector awarded the person celebrating the anniversary with a badge of the university «Kurmetty qyzmetker». The poem of the famous poet Nesipbek Aytuly «No regret», dedicated to the hero of the jubilee, was read at the meeting. The meeting ended with a concert programme, in which the pop singer Gulnur Orazymbetova and the dombrists of the Academic Folklore and Ethnographic Orchestra «Otyrar Sazy» named after Nurgisa Tlendiev performed their works.

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