director Madiev Kurmangazy Kapashevich

Head of anti-corruption compliance service


The main purpose of the anti-corruption compliance service is to ensure compliance by the University and its employees with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on combating corruption, as well as monitoring the implementation of anti- corruption measures.

Our partners:
antikor sanaly-urpaq adaldyq-alany iso
  • - ensuring compliance with external regulatory requirements and best international practices on combating comiption;
  • - ensuring compliance with the basic principles of combating corruption in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Combating Comiption»;
  • - ensuring that the Company conducts an internal analysis of comiption risks;
  • - effective implementation of the system of measures to combat comiption;
  • - ensuring the implementation of tools for the prevention and prevention of corruption offenses by the Company and its employees.